is a dedicated student employment bureau that advertises jobs and work experience opportunities, including local part time and casual work. You can search and apply for opportunities, and set up email alerts based on your requirements.
Our Employability Service deliver regular webinars and workshops offering information and advice regarding searching finding and applying for part time/casual work, as well as many other topics – if you are a current student, you can find out more on the Employability Hub.
You can also make an appointment to speak to an Employability Adviser if you would like support with improving your CV and/or job applications.
You’re welcome to contact the Service: for more information.
Get Ready for University Working Part-time and Studying
Our Get Ready for University videos have useful tips on how to manage your finances as a student. Â Our vlogger Kaiya chats with her flatmate Will about what's it like to work part-time as well as studying at university.